2021 Available Babies
Adopted- Eva ~ Beautiful Brindle ~ Spunky, Affectionate, Happy, Outgoing
AKC Companion Adoption $2700.

Beautiful baby Eva is a gorgeously brindled little girl. Her fashionable markings include a full body brindle coat with four long sleeves, 4 white paws, and a partial white face with one eye masked. Even though we breed for traditional markings, this split-faced pattern just adds to her adorable attire and can be common in Boston terriers. Eva has a great snout, just a bit longer, which is what we breed for to help with healthy longevity. Her brindle will lighten up as she matures to become even more stunning.

Eva’s sparkly personality is super adorable. She’s playful and spunky, easily shows affection and gives sweet kisses. Like her sisters and parents, she has a good middle of the road personality and is happy with whatever is going on at the time. She’s a lot of fun to watch as she plays and lets her funny personality shine through. Eva easily jumps right into whatever the babies are doing and gets along well with everyone. Eva has an outgoing nature and confidence that comes from her show bloodlines and is happily her comical self. I love her baby bulldog confidence and contentment.

Mother, Emma, is a loving young lady and is a third generation female that we have raised with our Longevity Plan. She has great bloodlines with champions from both parents. Her sire comes from our Bogie One Kanogie who carried 40 champions in 7 generations and her dam descends from a short line of champions that leads right to ‘Cosmo’ probably the most famous Boston terrier of our time.

Sire, Risque, is a fairly new addition to our family and also has a star studded pedigree with over 45 champions in 7 generations from some fabulous breeding families. Risque is super sweet and such a perfect gentleman. He loves everyone, dogs and people included. His perfect Boston terrier attitude is ‘Every day is a great day’ and he reminds me so much of our sweet Bogie One Kanogie. Risque has that great Boston terrier confidence and beautiful brindling that he happily passes on to his offspring.

Our amazing Boston terriers are raised for extended longevity, fantastic bloodlines, exceptional personalities, and excellent markings. Our testimonials and references are proof. These babies are on a healthy home prepared/species appropriate diet, purified water, a longevity supplement, and are our fourth generation babies raised this way (in these bloodlines). They are potty trained to about the size of one room by about 8 weeks of age and are doing some early crate training. We expect these babies to weigh 16-20 pounds full grown.

Beautiful brindled baby bulldog Eva with her outgoing, loving, and comical nature is sure to keep her family entertained. She is now adopted!

This precious little princess is now adopted!
Thanks so much, Janis

Enzo ~ Hilarious, Engaging, Playful, Amusing, Adorable –
Adopted by Eddie & Sybil in NC
AKC Companion Adoption $2600

Meet the amazing little Enzo!

Hansdom Boston Enzo is wearing a brindle and white outfit with a bit of the ‘tiger-striped’ look. Like his brother Evan, he also has a brindle half mask and dark brindle around both ears. Although we don’t plan for the split-face markings pattern (like Enzo and Evan), it can be common in Boston terriers and is compliments of his grandmother Chicka who, even though she had fabulous traditional Boston terrier ‘show’ markings, she had a couple of siblings with the split face design. Enzo’s full white collar and white chest, with white front legs and rear paws, beautifully sets off his fabulous medium brindle outfit. As he matures the brindle will lighten up a bit to become even more stunning. Enzo is the smallest of the boys and has the stockiest build and a great snout, (just a bit longer, which is what we breed for to help with healthy longevity). His snout is the shortest of the boys. Since the very beginning, he has looked the most ‘bulldogish’.

Enzo is quite a little character. He’s very playful and usually starts the bulldog games with his 5 siblings. Playing and showing off is his specialty. He likes being held and will give some sweet kisses and then is right back to playing and working on polishing his comedian routine. He loves toys and is very very engaging with people.

During picture time, he was all about showing off, stealing the pen, and generally making sure it was loads of fun for both of us, lol. Enzo is not overly busy but he is not anywhere near laid back. He will definitely keep his family amused and will probably need his own instagram account for all of his followers.

Mother, Emma, is a loving young lady and is a third generation female that we have raised with our Longevity Plan. She has great bloodlines with champions from both parents. Her sire comes from our Bogie One Kanogie who carried 40 champions in 7 generations and Chicka, her dam, descends from a short list of champions that leads right to ‘Cosmo’ probably the most famous Champion Boston terrier of our time.

Sire, Risque, is a fairly new addition to our family and also has a star studded pedigree with over 45 champions in 7 generations from some fabulous breeding families. Risque is super sweet and such a perfect gentleman. He loves everyone, dogs and people included. His perfect Boston terrier attitude is ‘Every day is a great day’ and he reminds me so much of our sweet Bogie One Kanogie. Risque has that great Boston terrier confidence and beautiful brindling that he happily passes on to his offspring.

Our amazing Boston terriers are raised for extended longevity, fantastic bloodlines, exceptional personalities, and excellent markings. Our testimonials and references are proof. These babies are on a healthy home prepared/species appropriate diet, purified water, a longevity supplement, and are our fourth generation babies raised this way (in these bloodlines). They are potty trained to about the size of one room by about 8 weeks of age and are doing some early crate training. We expect these babies to weigh 16-20 pounds full grown.

Super engaging, amazingly adorable, and hilarious Enzo is sure to draw a crowd and steal the show. He is now adopted!
Thanks so much, Janis

Adopted – Lady Emie -Sweetheart, Snuggliest, Elegant Design, Spunky
AKC Companion Adoption $2700.

Lady Emie is a precious little sweetheart! She dons an elegant dark coat with four long sleeves, 4 white paws, and a beautifully symmetrical rounded white blaze between her eyes. This is definitely my favorite blaze ‘shape’. Her dark coat has a bit of brindle scattered through it compliments of her sire, Risque. She’s squarely built and also has an adorable petite tail and a thin strip of white on the back of her neck which will probably disappear over time as she matures. Emie’s snout is great and a good picture of what we breed for with a little more length for easier breathing and healthy longevity.

Like her sisters, Emie has a great middle of the road personality and is very engaging but is also the snuggliest of her sisters. She is comfortable in arms and is okay with being held on her back like a baby. I love holding this little girl as she just melts right into my arms when I scoop her up. She gives sweet chin kisses and loves affection. While affection is high on Emie’s list, so is her desire to show off her antics of her spunky and playful side. She loves her toys, a little rumble with siblings, and seems to be happy with whatever is going on at the time. Her nature is the perfect blend of her parents’ personalities.

Mother, Emma, is a loving young lady and is a third generation female that we have raised with our Longevity Plan. She has great bloodlines with champions from both parents. Her sire comes from our Bogie One Kanogie who carried 40 champions in 7 generations and her dam descends from a short line of champions that leads right to ‘Cosmo’ probably the most famous Boston terrier of our time.

Sire, Risque, is a fairly new addition to our family and also has a star studded pedigree with over 45 champions in 7 generations from some fabulous breeding families. Risque is super sweet and such a perfect gentleman. He loves everyone, dogs and people included. His perfect Boston terrier attitude is ‘Every day is a great day’ and he reminds me so much of our sweet Bogie One Kanogie. Risque has that great Boston terrier confidence and beautiful brindling that he happily passes on to his offspring.

Our amazing Boston terriers are raised for extended longevity, fantastic bloodlines, exceptional personalities, and excellent markings. Our testimonials and references are proof. These babies are on a healthy home prepared/species appropriate diet, purified water, a longevity supplement, and are our fourth generation babies raised this way (in these bloodlines). They are potty trained to about the size of one room by about 8 weeks of age and are doing some early crate training. We expect these babies to weigh 16-20 pounds full grown.

Stunning Emie with her heart melting affectionate nature, engaging personality and cute antics is sure to win hearts wherever she goes. Emie is now spoken for.

Evan – Adopted by Bob and Elaine in Colorado – Beautiful Brindle, Funny, Loving, Great Personality
AKC Companion Adoption – $2500.

Super sharp Evan is a gorgeous little boy. He sports a very eye catching brindle and white coat with a half mask and white around the other eye. This ‘split-faced’ pattern just adds to his adorable attire and can be common in Boston terriers. His full white collar and white chest with white front legs and rear paws beautifully sets off his fabulous brindle outfit. His brindling is so vivid it’s almost tiger-striped looking. As he matures the brindle will lighten up a bit to become even more stunning. Evan has a great snout, just a bit longer, which is what we breed for to help with healthy longevity. His nose is continuing to ‘black in’ and will continue to fill in as he matures.

Evan is a spunky little sweetheart. He’s playful, funny, engaging and easily shows affection and gives sweet kisses. He’s comfortable in arms and sometimes when he’s giving those kisses Evan will put both paws on the cheeks of the one he’s lavishing his affection upon. Such a little Romeo! He loves to play with his siblings and toys and is easily occupied. Evan has a great middle of the road personality, not too busy, not too laid back but he is more laid back than his brother Enzo. Just like both of his parents, he’s an easy going guy and happy with whatever is going on at the time. I think his outlook is going to be like several of the great sires and grandsires in his lineage which is ‘Every day is a great day’. I love this comical, content, and sweetheart Romeo.

Mother, Emma, is a loving young lady and is a third generation female that we have raised with our Longevity Plan. She has great bloodlines with champions from both parents. Her sire comes from our Bogie One Kanogie who carried 40 champions in 7 generations and Chicka, her dam, descends from a short list of champions that leads right to ‘Cosmo’ probably the most famous Champion Boston terrier of our time.

Sire, Risque, is a fairly new addition to our family and also has a star studded pedigree with over 45 champions in 7 generations from some fabulous breeding families. Risque is super sweet and such a perfect gentleman. He loves everyone, dogs and people included. His perfect Boston terrier attitude is ‘Every day is a great day’ and he reminds me so much of our sweet Bogie One Kanogie. Risque has that great Boston terrier confidence and beautiful brindling that he happily passes on to his offspring.

Our amazing Boston terriers are raised for extended longevity, fantastic bloodlines, exceptional personalities, and excellent markings. Our testimonials and references are proof. These babies are on a healthy home prepared/species appropriate diet, purified water, a longevity supplement, and are our fourth generation babies raised this way (in these bloodlines). They are potty trained to about the size of one room by about 8 weeks of age and are doing some early crate training. We expect these babies to weigh 16-20 pounds full grown.

Beautifully brindled sweetheart Evan with his humor and loving nature is sure to draw attention and win hearts wherever he goes. Evan is on hold for his furever family in Colorado!

Boston Princess Edie – Beautiful, Engaging, Great Personality, More Laid Back – One of our future mamas
AKC Companion Adoption $2900.

Princess Edie is a gorgeous little girl! Edie’s attire includes a beautiful dark coat with a bit of brindle sprinkled here and there. Her traditionally Boston markings include a full white collar, great wide white blaze between her eyes, and full dark mask covering both eyes and ears and is accented by a long and short ‘sleeve’ on her front legs and also white tipped back feet. On the top of her head is a Haggerty ‘dot’ or ‘spot’ which over the years has been said to be the ‘icing on the cake’ and ‘the kiss of God’ as far as Boston markings go. The Haggerty dot (named from the early Boston terrier Haggerty family Kennel) is a marking that is still coveted by Boston terrier enthusiasts today. Edie’s ‘dot’ is closing into the edges of her blaze but can still be seen. Edie has a great bulldog Boston terrier build to go with her fabulous markings and a good snout, just a bit longer, which is what we breed for to help with healthy longevity.

Precious Edie has a great personality to go with her beautiful looks. She’s funny, engaging, and affectionate but can be a bit more laid back than her sisters. Not that she’s laid back though – she has plenty of that bulldog puppy spunk! Edie loves playing with her siblings and toys and is comfortable in arms. She gives sweet chin kisses and will snuggle right into my arms when I hold her. During picture time she was very easy to work with and I like to think of that as future easy trainability. Of all of her siblings, Edie was the easiest to work with at picture time. I love this little girl’s great looks and wonderful nature!

Mother, Emma, is a loving young lady and is a third generation female that we have raised with our Longevity Plan. She has great bloodlines with champions from both parents. Her sire comes from our Bogie One Kanogie who carried 40 champions in 7 generations and her dam descends from a short line of champions that leads right to ‘Cosmo’ probably the most famous Boston terrier of our time.

Sire, Risque, is a fairly new addition to our family and also has a star studded pedigree with over 45 champions in 7 generations from some fabulous breeding families. Risque is super sweet and such a perfect gentleman. He loves everyone, dogs and people included. His perfect Boston terrier attitude is ‘Every day is a great day’ and he reminds me so much of our sweet Bogie One Kanogie. Risque has that great Boston terrier confidence and beautiful brindling that he happily passes on to his offspring.

Our amazing Boston terriers are raised for extended longevity, fantastic bloodlines, exceptional personalities, and excellent markings. Our testimonials and references are proof. These babies are on a healthy home prepared/species appropriate diet, purified water, a longevity supplement, and are our fourth generation babies raised this way (in these bloodlines). They are potty trained to about the size of one room by about 8 weeks of age and are doing some early crate training. We expect these babies to weigh 16-20 pounds full grown.

Beautiful Princess Edie is as gorgeous on the inside as she is on the outside! She is sure to be a treasure to her family and keep them entertained. Edie is staying here with us to be one of our future champion bloodline mamas!

Thanks so much, Janis [email protected] 865.384.7631